I'm back!! Except I didn't go anywhere!
I'm sorry I haven't blogged for the
past two weeks but my husband had
knee surgery! The operation was
really like putting a band-aid on a
broken leg!! He has to go back in a
few weeks and have the whole
knee replaced!I really dread it for him
but they say that it's not really that bad
and the recuperation is only 3 months so ...
Now for the rest of the Award Winners...
As I said in my last post...
Marie France gave me this award
and so I have five more poeple to
pass it on to ! I wanted to give the
award to some new bloggers
that I have just met! Those who I
have grown very close to but
didn't include on this list will receive
"Sweet Surprise" !
You know who you are
so check your e-mail!
For Ms. Bright Side Award
When you get this Award you will
1. List 10 things that make you happy!
2. List 5 things about you that are
very unusual, things that
no one else would know!
very unusual, things that
no one else would know!
3. List 10 of your favorite Bright Side
blog sites that you visit
because they make you smile!
blog sites that you visit
because they make you smile!
That's it! That's all you have to do!
here are my last five sites
I chose to receive the award!
Lovey's name describes who Lovey is!
And when you read her blog, you will
see her love for life, family, and art,
spilling over from post to post!
*copyright reserved and owned by Fabric Photo Memories
My Favorite! She's so Gorgeous!!
*copyright reserved and owned by Fabric Photo Memories
*copright reserved and ownd by Fabric Photo Memories
Lovey has such a sweet ,
kind heart and writes her posts as if
she has just opened her door and
welcomed you into her home,

She also wrote an article,
"Now My Heart Sings Daily"
Here is the link where Lovey's article is
posted on the blog in Readers Share Archives
Lovey also teaches a
Fabric Photo Transfers Workshop at

I just love her site and really appreciate
the fact that she is so dedicated
*copyright reserved and owned The Gypsy Magpie
I met the Gypsy Magpie last month
when I was posting the articles on
*copyright reserved and owned
by The Gypsy Magpie
She creates really fabulous altered art...
you know the kind...
it catches your eye immediately...
the colors are just perfet,
*copyright reserved and owned
by The Gypsy Magpie
*copyright reserved and owned
by The Gypsy Magpie
"Oooooh, I love that"!,
you say to yourself,
*Photos owned by The Gypsy Magpie
Isn't this studio just the Dreamiest?
*Picture owned by The Gypsy Magpie
She had created this scrapbooking kit
in my honor and added links
to this blog and my Faerie blog
so people could find me if they wanted
free images too! I was so thrilled that
she had thought of me and
will treasure this file that she made!
By reading Efie's blog posts,
I already knew she had a
generous heart and loved
sharing her talented art
work with others!
Here are some of the kits that
she offers,completely free,
for others to use!
Aren't they beautiful?
It takes a lot of time to prepare
a scrapbooking kit, adding the
right elements, the right colors,
selecting the theme, and then putting
it all together perfectly.
Efie does this and more for others
because of the joy that digital art has
given her and she wants others to have
that same joy too!
I've looked at a lot of blog sites
and it seems that the
really creative ones are the
property of people who love what
they do and are so enthusiatic
and inspirational that they cannot
contain the joy that their craft brings
into their life, so much so,
that you cannot leave their blog
without wanting that
same joy for yourslf .
This is Efie,
and if you go visit her today,
I guarantee you will take a few of her
beautiful files for yourself to begin
creating something wonderful!!
The love of art begins with
one giving person that has
created something with value
and pride that can influence and
bring together a whole community!
Thank you, Efie!
I am so glad I found your site and
can claim you as a Special Friend!
9. Valerie Brinchek
I love this blog site!
Valerie is an artist of all trades!
I really don't think there is anything
that she hasn't created or tried to create!
Talk about inspiration !!
On her side bar her label list stretches
for miles and has everything you could
ever want to learn about altered art!
Her digital art work is amazing
as well as everything else she has made!
She has a link list for the best places
to shop, best sites of inspiration,
and where to find other blogs that
will make you smile, dream and drool!
She also has a Yahoo Group called
"The Sum Of all ATC's"!!
I have to show you some of her art work
so you can see just how creative she is!
This is a few pages from her
"Alice In Wonderland Chunkie Book"
*copyright reserved and owned by Valerie Brenchek
I couldn't resist showing you this!!
See the tab on the left?
*copyright reserved and owned by Valerie Brinchek
Pull the tab and out comes the rabbit!! Cute!!
*copyright reserved and owned by Valerie Brenchek
She also offers free vintage images...
Thank you, Valerie for sharing so much
of your creative knowledge and talent with us!
10. Ink Stains With Roni
I have been following this blog
since I first set up my blog site!
Roni has a list of tutorials a mile long
that I became very interested in
when I started using rubber stamps
in my altered art. She knows every
ink technique under the sun and
probably created a few on her own!
She has a mini-book challenge that I
would love to sign up for and
some really great give-aways!
She also lists where she gets her
products (which is great!) and
shows in perfect detail how
every technique is done,
step by step,
from start to finish!
It takes a lot of time to write
a tutorial for a blog.
I did a few on my knitting blog
and realized right away just how
much time it was going to take to
do one properly!
You've got to take your pictures
at the right angle and in the
right light, download and edit
them so your viewer will
get a good look at
what you are doing...plus...
you have to make sure your
directions are very clear and to
the point!
It's not easy, but if you love
art as Roni does, then is very gratifying
to know that you are helping
others to find the same joy
you've found in what you create!
I really respect Roni for all of the
hard work she has put into
each of her tutorials
and for her kindness in sharing
her knowledge and talent
by teaching so many ways to
use ink and other art products
when making altered art!
She also wrote a great book
and had it published!
Do you have a art technique you
are curious about but haven't tried yet?
Don't hesitate to go to Roni's blog,
where you'll find a great tutorial
waiting to inspire you to
create the art you've always
dreamed about creating!
OR...just go buy her wonderful book!
It is jam packed with all kinds
of wonderful altered art ideas,
easy directions ,techniques,
and expert advise on any project
you would want to learn to create!
I'm going over and learn to emboss!
I haven't learned how to
do this technique yet and
would like to give it a try!
Thank you, Roni
for writing your wonderful book and
sharing so much of your
love of altered and inked with us!
And that concludes my list
for the Ms. Bright Side Award!
****Just a reminder****
The art works in this post have a
copyright and are the personal property
of the artists I have featured today!
Please do not copy for yourself
or share them with anyone else!
Thank you!
Have a great weekend!
Wow! Kymberly...how beautiful! I'm honored and tickled at the same time. Such a nice and warm tribute/post. I absolutely love it! Thanks sweetie...deeply touched. Smiles as always with a Big Ole HUGG on the side.