
Sunday, August 22, 2010


 Who finds a faithful friend,
   finds  a  treasure.

I just wanted to thank everyone who
stopped by my blog to visit, follow,
or leave a kind word while I
was taking care of my family!! 

   Your sweet comments, 
loving support,
  and kind words
      meant the world to me!  

This magical web that we spin upon
has a way of connecting so many
wonderful people together with a bond
of friendship as close as if everyone
lived next door to one another!


I feel as if I have known you all
 of my life!  I don't think it
 such a coincidence that
 we have so much in common.
Through what we share,
our lives have been
because we were drawn to one another
as only like-minded friends can be!

 I thank you from the
bottom of my heart
 for everything that you
do for me as well as
all the other lives
you touch with the kindness
only the  dearest of  hearts
can share!

One Last Thought!!

I have always felt so honored
when someone choses to follow me
 and I especially wanted to thank all
of those who signed up as followers
while I was taking time away from my blog!

More than ever, I am committed
 to fill your days with more
free vintage images to make
you smile and inspire you
to create something beautiful! 

Thanks so much
and sending
much love and hugs!
 Have a great day! 
Love, Kym 

So for a special treat!!
To make up for lost time,
I am going to post as many images
as the number of days that I
was gone from my blog!!

 vintage images
clip art!!

That's right!! 
The last day I posted was
 May 6,2010
and today is
August 21, 2010,
which was a total of 107 days! 
so I will be posting
vintage images
clip art 
   just for you!! 

I have already added
images to this post
that you are free to use!!  

I will be adding images
 all day today
so check back frequently!!
There might be something
I have left for you that
you don't have in your
collection and would love to use
in your art work or cards! 

   Here are the first  10  images!

I hope you can use the
cute victorian clip art
 I have posted
 in your art work!!
Please check back for
 next post of
  free vintage images!

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