
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sads News!!


I am going to have to stop posting
for the next few months due to
 my husband's health and the
 activities my children are involved in! 

My husband is having complete knee surgery
 and will be out of commission the whole summer! 
 My sons play football and will be practicing
football and playing baseball until August! 

 So I am going to be very busy taking care
of my family with no extra time
to spare right now to blog or create art! 
 Hopefully by August, things will be
back to normal and I can begin
blogging again!

I do want to thank each and 
every one of you that came to
 visit my sites and left such
sweet, inspiring comments
 to brighten my day! 
I so appreciate your kindness
 and will miss you very much
 but I will return in a few months
 and we can catch up then!
I will miss you and send
"Big Hugs"
out to all! 

 Have a great summer!



  1. Hello Kymberly~ Oh, I'm so sorry your husband has to endure the woes of such ... I wish him the very best and also a speedy recovery!

    We will miss you greatly, however family must come first! I wish you a very Happy Mother's Day! May your summer be filled with all the happiness your heart can hold, memories to last a lifetime, and a dusting of magic!!
    Au plaisir de vous revoir, my friend!

  2. Hate to see you go away for a while but I understand! Godspeed to your husband and you for strngth. Will check on you from time to time....smiles...Lovey

  3. Dear Kymberly, wish your husband a better health, keep strong my friend. There's always a candle flame burning to keep you safe and protected. Hugs and kisses :)

  4. Hi Kymberly.Of course you should take care of your family.Wish you the same.A lovely spring and summer.Hugs from Kicki.

  5. I've only just found your blog - what wonderful images you've got! Sorry to hear you're not going to be around for a while, but I'll look forward to you returning when the time is right for you and your family. Kind regards, Jo x

  6. Bless you for being such a wonderful mother. Your family is indeed fortunate for your loving and generous heart. I will miss your posts so much, but your family is what definitely matters. I hope your summer is full of happiness and that your husband's surgery and recovery go well. See you in August!

  7. You will be missed Kymberly, so hurry back when things settle down. I am sorry to hear of your husbands misfortune, I will keep him in prayer. I would love to get an update if you have time, you have my email. Hugs, ~Diane

  8. Hi Kymberly. I hope that your husband is doing better. I've been such a bad friend. I didn't even know about him. I've had you on my mind so much lately and kept saying I would visit tomorrow. I certainly understand you needing the time off. I don't know if your still checking you blog or not but don't feel as if you have to reply, I'll understand. Just know that I'm thinking of you and your family and when you come back I intend to be a much better friend.

    Best wishes and prayers to all of you. Hugs...Tracy :)

  9. Hello Kym, we miss you sweetie. I do hope life is treating you well. Friendly thoughts, hugs and kisses, dear Kym :)

  10. I hope your hubbys knee surgery goes well and that you back with us soon
    Take care

  11. Just found you.Thank you for the lovlies, and I hope the health of your husband returns quickly.

  12. Just checking in to see if you survived the summer, lol. Anyway I'm thinking of you and your family. Hugs, ~Diane


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