
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Time to Share Another Friend!

I thought I would
share another friend
with you today
and send her a
Valentine's Day
"Sweet Greeting"
to let her know how
special she is  to me!

 Please refer to the post on
Saturday, February 6th,
where I left a poem
for you to Read!

Hello, Diane!

 I haven't known Diane very long but
what thing I am  sure of ...
 she is  friendly,  kind, and  
a very gracious, giving person. 
We found out that we had
something very important in common! 
 Both of us  are committed to preserving and
archiving the vintage heritage and history
 of our ancestors lives.

We both feel that it is so
  important for the future generations 
 to learn and understand the history of
our forefathers and how they  forged
bravely ahead to lay the foundation of
what our lives are built on today!

What they left behind is a witness to how they lived,
  built their homes, cared for their families!
The antiques and images we so
dearly love to collect today,
 was once someone else's
precious "treasure"!

See, how  wonderful the Internet is! 
We  find people and they find us and
soon we discover just how much we
really have in common! 
And  if we never meet face to face,
 we will aways have this bond!

So  Diane decided to start sharing her
"trinkets and treasures" with us!
I am so excited ...I just can't
 wait to see what she'll want us to see first!
I will certaily keep you updated for this special event!  

Also, I must brag a little bit on her because she
 makes the cutest card I've ever seen! 
I just have to show you some of her creative work:

My Favorite!  I love this card!


Isn't this just the cutest ?  So Sweet!!

She is so crafty! 
 Isn't this gorgeous!
Just a simple kleenex box  turned into
 something so elegant! 

Drop in to visit her, she will not mind...
you can make yourself comfortable, kick back,
and enjoy looking at all of her wonderful cards! 
Also, while you are there, don't forget to check out
  the wide array of craft resources that
she has posted for anything and everything 
you could think of to create! 

Thank you, Diane ,
for all of your kind words and deeds. 
 You have been an inspiration to me and  
and I am very thankful that our paths have crossed!
Good luck in everything you endeaver! 
God Bless YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Kymberly, I am speechless! Thank you so much for featuring my cards and my blog here. I am both touched and honored that you would do this for me. I just hope I can live up to your expectations. You are such a kind and sweet person, you have given me so much information to make it possible for me to share some of my old treasures. The internet is truly a wonderful place to meet new friends, and I am ever so grateful that I met you. Your friend, ~Diane


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