
Monday, February 8, 2010

More Friends To Share With You Today!

As I promised, today,
I am adding a few more of  my "special friends"
to my post to send out a 
Happy Valentine's 
"Sweet Greeting" 
to let them know how much I appreciate them!  

Please refer to the post on
Saturday,  February 6th,
where I left a  poem
for you to Read!

  Marilyn, the Lone Dollier,
can be found here :

She loves making miniature dolls, has a lovely blog,
 is a member of Free Postcard Fridays,

The French Factrice hosts the
 Postcard Friendship Fridays!

and  participates in lots of Give-Aways,
including a really special one called Pay It Forward! 
If you would like to know more about the Give-Away,
 please go to her web site and check it out! 
She has this button on her sidebar!

Click it and you will be directed to  
where she has all of the info posted

 She inspired me to join in on the Give-Away too,
 so I also have a post  of it  here:

But that is not the only thing
 about Marilyn that inspires me! 
You see, she lives in constant pain and
 inspite of her health problems,
she blogs everyday and stays
 very busy  making her lovely dolls!
She allows nothing to get in the way of her creativity! 
Today I learned that she had surgery to remove the
2 slipped discs in her neck and so
I am sending out a request for everyone
to pray for this wonderful lady  to have
a speedy recovery from her surgery! 
She has such a positive attitude that is so contagious!
I bet it won't belong before she is up again
 and busy making those precious dolls!
 Here are some pictures of her pretties!

Miss Anabelle

Miss Victoria

Miss Hannah

"French White Cotton Day Dress"
So much love in every  detail!

Aren't they wonderful! 
 Please go visit her blog and see more of
these beauties in her etsy shop!
Thank you Marilyn,  for your inspiration
 and please get well soon!

Tammy Sprinkle

This lady is just about the
sweetest person you'll ever meet! 
She participates in give-aways,
is a member of the
 Inspiration Avenue Team,
which is an Etsy Group that has nothing
but etsy shops and what they have for sell
posted for your shopping pleasure! 
This site alone could  keep you glued
 to the screen for days, 
looking (drooling) at all of the
 beautful craftmanship of these artists.
She also hosts FreeVintage Image Thurdays!
If you visit her on that day, 
she will have  a beautiful vintage image
 posted along with a really nice story
to go along with the image!
  Her blog is gorgeous, and her art is amazing. 
 Her specialty is  Altered  Books and Journals!
 On her sidebar is a wonderful array of journals
that will inspire you to want to make one of your own!
Don't just listen to me...
go visit her for yourself and
 you will see what I am talking about! 
You will find yourself visiting her again
 and again,  for the sweet hospitality! 
Thank you Tammy, for your inspiration and
your generousity in everything that you
share and all that you do for others!

Theresa In Mississippi

This gal is a real southern "sweetiepie"! 
She is so friendly, just smiles all of the time! 
 She is such a generous person! 
 Her sweet coments always make my day brighter 
 and have meant the world to me!!
She offers free vintage images on her site
and her blog is out of this world gorgeous!
 In my last post, I told you a little about Susie Jefferson,
who designs special  blog packages for anyone who
would like something a bit different from the crowd!!
Well, you must visit Theresa's blog because 
Susie designed the whole package, background,
 banner, buttons, labels, and even a bit of magic dust
when you move the curser around to
click on something you would like to see!  
 And believe me, Theresa has
everything you will want to see!
When I visited her the other day,
I read her latest post about her
 husband's heart surgery and so I
would like to make another request !!
Let's all send out another prayer for

Theresa and her husband, Nelson! 
May God  strengthen him and
bless him with a speedy recovery!
So I want to send out a
"thank you and my appreciation"
 to Theresa for her sunny smile and her
generousity to all those that
she comesin contact with!
Thank you , Theresa,  
for the sweet friendship
that you share with me!

I know,  it's that time again!
Even though I hate to go!

Valentine's Day is only five days away! 
And I have so much more
I need to say!  

So stop on by and visit me! 
 You might be next in line
to receive a "sweet greeting"

Good Night!


"Mary Vance 1945":

"Mary Margaret in the Garden"

"French Glamour"

1 comment:

  1. Kym, thank you so much for featuring me on your site and your sweet comments! I'm hoping to get back to my regular schedule for blogging and most especially VISITING blogs :-) I miss it so much but home duties keep me pretty busy right now. Have a great week!!


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