
Friday, December 10, 2010

25 Days Of Free Vintage Christmas Images

The  Spirit Of  Christmas

The event of Christ is the
only event in human history
 that promises relocation and
centering, meaning and purpose.

 This promise and its fulfillment
evoke passionate
and heartfelt praise and thanks,

especially for those
aware of their own brokenness and the
healing which Christ brings into their lives.

~Robert Webber

Good Tidings 

Late on a sleepy, star-spangled night,
 those angels peeled back the sky just
 like you would tear open a
sparkling Christmas present.

Then, with light and joy pouring out of
 Heaven like water through a broken dam,
they began to shout and sing the message
 that baby Jesus had been born.

The world had a Savior!
The angels called it
 "Good News,"and it was.

~Larry Libby

The Spirit Of Christ

The spirit of Christmas needs to be 
superseded by the Spirit of Christ.

The spirit of Christmas is annual;
the Spirit of Christ is eternal.

 The spirit of Christmas is sentimental;
the Spirit of Christ is supernatural.

 The spirit of Christmas is a human product;
the Spirit of Christ is a divine person.
That makes all the difference in the world.

~Stuart Briscoe

What is Christmas?

It is tenderness for the past,
courage for the present,
It is a fervent wish that
 every cup may overflow
with blessings rich and eternal,
 and that every path may lead to peace.

~Agnes M. Pharo

The Love Of God

As we prepare for our traditional celebrations,
 let us remember those who will not be
 looking forward to this festival.
 Let us remember too how Jesus identified
 with the oppressed and the homeless.

 Let the joy of the festival touch more of the
 people of our world this year than ever before.
 May God be glorified and may people of
good will once again experience His peace.

~Denzil John

The Gifts From God

In spite of the many benefits
God has blessed us with,
how many times do we complain
about little difficulties and trials?
 We lose sight of the big picture and fail to
 appreciate the really important things.

Just as we cannot benefit from a wrapped gift
under a Christmas tree until we open it,
so gratitude can be seen as our way of opening
the gift of God's love intended by all the
small and big positive events of our lives.

~Ronda De Sola Chervin

Thanks Be To God

Thanks be to God for his unspeakable Gift—
indescribable, inestimable,
incomparable inexpressible -
 precious beyond words.

~Lois Lebar

Unto You This Day

And she will bear a Son,
and you shall call His name Jesus,
 for it is He who will save
 His people from their sins.

~Matthew 1:21

Whatever else be lost among the years,
Let us keep Christmas still a shining thing:
Whatever doubts assail us, or what fears,
 Let us hold close one day, remembering
Its poignant meaning for the hearts of men.
Let us get back our childlike faith again.

~Grace Noll Crowell


Eternal God, this holy night is radiant
with the brilliance of your one true light.
May that light illuminate our hearts and
shine in our words and deeds.

May the hope, the peace, the joy,
 and the love represented by the
 birth in Bethlehem this night fill our
 lives and become part of all that
 we say and do.

May we share the divine life
 of your son Jesus Christ,
even as he humbled himself
to share our humanity.

~Rev. Richard J. Fairchild

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