
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

In case you haven't heard, Let me tell you about "THE "BLOG GUIDE BOOK"!

You'll Love This Site I Found!!!

When I first set up my web sites
and began writing my first posts,
 something incredible happened that 
completely caught me by surprise!

I never expected to bond so quickly with
so many special people that I have met
while sharing my vintage images and
posting about my artistic endeavors!
I have never met these people
 in person but  the close feelings
I share with them is the same feelings
 I share with  my friends that live
within miles from my home!

 We share our dreams,
our struggles, our joys, our fears,
 and give one another the courage to make a
difference in other lives as well as our own!

Remember "Field Of  Dreams"?

We all have dreams and as we
write daily and post about what we
most want out of life, and somehow,
many special people discover your blog site
 and are always there to give you the
 motivation and inspiration to help
make those dreams come true!

What a wonderful world we blog in!

what if I told you I have found a place
that will help direct more of those
 "special people" to your site,
help you learn more about how
 to create a successful blog,
how to network and meet new people,
easy ways to direct people to your site,
and the access to find new blogs that interest you!

Sounds Great? Right?

 The other day I was visiting some of
my favorite blogs and saw this
blog button on a side bar.

I was curious and immediately clicked,
and like Alice In Wonderland,
I found a wonderful web site,

 The Blog Guidebook 

This great site is  owned and operated by
Sarah and Lynsay and they have filled it
to the brim with all kinds of nice
 "Busy Bee"
 tips and tricks for
you to learn about blogging,
 becoming a member, and how to
entered in their wonderful
 Blog GuideBook !

They offer these fun activities:
Blog How-To's
that teach you everything
 in Blogland that you wanted to
learn but were afraid to ask!

 for the
Blog Beginner,

 Where you and your blog will
 Bee a Star
and  the center of attention
 on the front page of their site!

Learn about
Linky Parties,
what they are and why
you'll love to join one!

where you get to list
 your special Give-away 
along with a slew of other
that you might want
to enter to win!!! 

is a fun way to find out what
other bloggers are saying about 
The Blog Guidebook
what wonderful things it 
will do for your blog! 

But the
best part
is that anyone can become a
member for free and once you join,
your blog will automatically be
 listed in their Blog Guide Book!
They have been  offering a
special for new members 
to get a free upgrade until  August 30th
 then after that date the price to
 upgrade will go back to $20.00.
Of course, when you join,
you also get to advertise your blog
 through their regular
"simple free ad"
that is available to members for free!

So Now Is The Time To Join!!
And hurry!!!

The 30th if just around the corner
and I know you don't want to miss
this great popportunity to upgrade
you membership for free!

So send your send  e-mail to
Sarah and Lynsay
to  let them know you would
 like to become a member
and have your blog listed in
The Blog Guide Book
and all you have to do is post
about what you like about
The Blog Guide Book
and which activites you would
most enjoy participating in!

What I  liked about
The Blog Guide Book Site
was the
Help Center
for everything you might have
 a question about,
free backgrounds
to give your blog  some extra pizzazz,
and the
 Give-Away List
becuase I would like to post several
 Give-aways in the future and having the
 opportunity to  place my Give-Away info
and blog name on a nice list along with
all of the other GiveAways would
 be a great way to direct people
 to my blog and also give them 
a chance to win something too!

So Go Visit This Web Site!

Click on the
Bee Button
to see for yourself just how
many wonderful things you will be
able to do with your blog and how
 many nice people you will get the
 chance to meet when you
sign up to  become a member!

And don't forget...
How many people will learn
about who you are and
what your blog offers
once you are listed in
The Blog Guide Book!  


  1. HI Kymberly...

    I found your blog via The Blog Guidebook. I just recently joined that blog myself. I can't remember how I found it...but I loved the tips. I haven't left a comment yet for them, because I wouldn't know what to write...but I love what they do. I'm glad that you found them so helpful.

    I LOVE vintage images and just about vintage I decided to join your blog. One of my blogger friends, Cindy, at Whimsical Musings and I Owe it All to Him...she's also a fantastic lady who makes wonderful altered art images!! Anyway, I just wanted to say hello. I always like to leave a comment when I follow a blog :) Have a great day. Hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  2. Awesome post Kym! I was on the edge of my seat! Yay!
    The other great thing about the Blog Guidebook is that anyone can be listed for FREE. Our upgrade of $20 is offered free until August 30th, but we have our regular simple ad for free all the time.
    Thank you for joining us!


Leave a message if you please!