
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Guess What? Another Surprise!!

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My Friend,
Marie France
sent this award to me! 

 I have blogged before about 
 my  dear friend Marie
 and I am sure that you are very
 familiar with  her wonderful web sites that offers
those lovely free vintage images

She has two new beautiful blog sites
with free clip art and vintage images!

 The links to these sites are here along
with the beautiful buttons that she
created for each site! 

Precious Vintage Images of  Kittens!

Adorable Vintage Images about Puppies!

Marie is a very talented digital artist
and her amazing art is displayed on
this blog site and her button is here:

She is always doing the nicest things for me
and so I want to give her this in return!

Thank You,  Marie!

Now for the fun part of the award!!
When receiving the award,
I must tell 10 things that make me happy,
 5 unusual things that no one  knows about me,
 and pass the award on to 10 more people!!

What Makes Me Happy?

1.  Nothing in the world makes me happier that to hear my children's laughter!
2.  The end of Winter and the beginning of  Spring when everything is
      fresh, new and growing!!!
 3.  Life with all of it's ups and downs, ins and outs, and mysterious--
      just around the corner--surprises! 
 4.  Getting Mail!  Going to the mailbox and getting a great knitting magazine
      with tons of lace patterns, or awesome art supplies,
      or just about anything  good to read!!
4.   Checking my blog sites and finding that I have received some very
      sweet comments from my friends!
5.   Cheesecake!! The  4-inch high New York style!!
6.   Those absolute perfect sunny days when my husband and I, and the children,
      are all floating around in the pool, sipping sticky watermelon kool-aid and
      wondering how life got so great!
7.   Newborn kittens!!   I think and the kids hope that our cat, Little Anne,  
       is having a babies in about 8 weeks!!  
8.    Hearing "I Love You Mommy"!!
9.   A hot bath, a good book, and a cold Coke!!
10.  A "Happy Ending" to a great book, a great movie, a great day, or a great list!

5 Unusual Things About Me
(that you'd never guess)

1.  I talk  "baby talk" to all of my cats, always have, always will,
     (no matter how crazy I must sound  to all of my neighbors)!   
2.  On warm summer nights, I might, way past midnight, swim naked in  my pool!
3.  I watch Sponge Bob Square Pants, without my kids, by myself!!
4.  On Halloween night, I have been known to "roll" people's yards,
     trees, and landscape shrubbery with toilet paper!!
5.  And Guess What?  About 2 years ago, if someone would have asked me,
     why I am not blogging,  I would have said, "Are you crazy? I don't have
     time to do that, and besides, all I know how to do is turn the computer on
     and download knitting patterns. I am clueless when it comes to all of that 
     "techno-computer stuff"!  I would have no idea how to start my own blog site!


These blog sites make me very happy!
 They cheer me up on cloudy days
 and make me giggle on sunny days!! 
They hold treasures much greater than
Pharoah's Tomb or Solomon's Mines!!!
They have a lot of magic, sparkle and shine!

I am inspired,
in awe,
and in love
with everything they post! 
 Visit their sites!!
You'll feel the same way too!

Some of the bloggers are new to me
and I am so glad that I found their sites!
Some of the bloggers are old friends
that I have grown to love!!


To My "Special Friends"
My Award List!!

1.  Gary

Blog Button

Free Vintage Image From His Site!!


2.  Tiffany Jane

Blog Button

Free Vintage Button Tiffany Jane Designed:

Free Image 

Tiffany Jane designed this
beautiful Blog Button! 


3.  PAULA 

Paula's Beautiful Poetry and Art Work!
(copyright 2010)


4.  Frk. Nattuggla

Free Vintage Image!
Just Precious!!

Her Precious Dolls that She Creates!!

Her blog "Create Joy"
certainly does that and more!!

Nattuggla has compiled lists of everything
from free background links and 
 great computer techno, vintage images
and free clip art to free Photo Editors!
Amazing info blog when setting up
 your own blog site!

Her beautiful blog:


5.  The Paisley Cat   

Surprise ! 
I didn't want you to
 see this background
until I got it perfect!

My background and pretty buttons were
designed by the very talented Cat!

I have blogged about "The Cat" many
times before, here and at the my other blog site:
 Miss Anne's Vintage Art!

I 've had  one of her beautiful backgrounds
and headers on the Vintage Art site for a couple
of months and have received so many nice
compliments about how pretty it is!!

PaisleyCat Blog Design

On her site, she designs her own
special  backgrounds
and beautiful headers to match!
 I absolutely adore her site and of course,
her charming backgrounds, can't you tell?

Her Blog Motto is :

Come And Dress Up
Your Blog Site With Me!!

Also...something new!!
She is so excited to open her
new Digital Design Studio
on another site! 

She will be able to help you order your
own signature blog site package,
designed to your peticular specifications
 with your own personal tasted in mind!

 Your blog site will be unique and sold to you
with the understanding that no one else
will be able to buy your package!
YOUR design will always be your own!!

Did I mention how kind she is and
how unbelieveiably talented she is?

Please go visit these sites today!
 I know you will not be disappointed !!
 You will completely understand why I
gave these wonderful people an award
when you see all of the "goodies"
and pretties" that they so graciously
 give to inspire other altered artists 
to create beautiful art!


 In Tommorrow's Post,
I will finish the Ms. Brite Side Award List for the  
other 5 bloggers that I picked to receive the award!

Check back-- you might see your blog site on that list!
Have a great day!!


  1. Oh thank you,thank you for your lovely,lovely words.You are ever so kind and make me smile.I´m so glad you like my blogs and your visits and kind comments are rewards enough.Thank you my dear friend.Big hug Kicki.

  2. Thanks for the wonderful comments and support...Gary

  3. Kymberly, you are so very sweet! Thank you, so much for visiting my blog so often and for leaving me such thoughtful and meaningful comments. Your words are humble encouragement to my heart and soul ... where mine live and breathe ...

    By the way my dear, I love the new look! Is it not a breath of fresh air to mix it up once in a while? One more thing my friend, loved learning so much more about you! We are kindred spirits of the truest kind...

  4. OMG !Kym ! thank you so much for this wonderful and awesome surprise, I'm honored with your generous comments and sweetness to me. You deserve much more and I'm always admiring your special touch. Blessings to you, Kym, be happy, may the earth be light to you, hugs and love :)

  5. Kymberly, Thank you ever so much.. You are amazingly talented.. I am honored to call you Friend..

    God Bless..

  6. Thank you so much Kymberly for your visit at my Frk.Nattuggla and for your sweet words.It warmed my heart.Big hug Kicki.

  7. Oh my gosh Kymberly, aren't you just the SWEETEST!!!!!
    I am late checking my post and what a sweet suprise to see such Kind words, you are just so very Sweet!!!
    Thank YOU so much for posting my links and my blog button, I appreciate it sooo very much!!!
    It is heart warming people like you that make all of the hard work and fun work so worth it!

    Many, many thanks!!! I am smiling ear to ear!
    Happy Sunday~
    Many blessing to you!
    xoxo Tiff

  8. I love your new look here.So cute both background and header.Now it´s just the cbox missing *smiles*


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