
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sunshine Award

On March 3rd, I received an e-mail
from Paula Laurens asking me to
stop by her blog and  read
the post for today. I visited her
 blog and found a really wonderful surprise. 
She  nominated me and five others for 

The Sunshine Award ! 

I was so happy ! 
I couldn't believe how
 sweet she was to include
me on her  list! 
 She filled my rainy day with
lots of bright sunshine and joy! 

I have picked 6 people today to give them
The Sunshine Award
and pay it foward,
hoing to fill their day with
Lots of Sunshine and Joy!

 Here are the rules!
Copy and paste the above award in your post!
 Think of 6 people that you would like to
 present this wonderful award to. Someone
who makes you smile, makes your day,
 and brings sunshine into your life!
Now post a link to the person's blog that
gets the award so that others can visit
their blog sites and experience the sunshine
for themselves! So, my wonderful friends, get your
award and start giving it away to those you love!

My Six Wonderful Friends!

These six  wonderful ladies bring a lot
of sunshine into my life with their
sweet gestures. Their friendly comments
and thoughtful deeds always puts
a smile on my faceand turns  any ordinary
day into something really special.   

When I met Diane, a bond developed immediately,
 through our love of everything antique
and the need to preserve what we can
as a testimony of our  beloved historical heritage.
She is a bursting ray of sunshine,
 her life bubbling over with her enthusiasm to
create beauty and share it with others! 
 Diane inspires me with her wonderful talent
and her creative eye for details and color!
Her cards are so beautiful, so charming,
every one is a little masterpiece! 
She has won many awards and has had
many of her lovely cards published in  
card magazines such as:  Ready, Set, Create! 
 She also participates in many Card Challenges,
each entry is amazing, absolutely gorgeous details. 
You will have to see them for yourself!  Go by
and visit her blog and check out all of her amazing
 tutorials and crafty info that she offers on card
making!  Be Warned! This little gal is very
energetic and her enthusiasm is very contagious! 

Blackdragon Crafts

My Hero!
Lyn inspires me with her creative
 ideas and beautiful art projects that she
makes with an added touch of   Vintage,
 Old World, and Romantic Flair, 
Her projects are one of a kind 
gorgeous treasures! What makes her art so
fascinating is the small details that,
from her talent and wisdom of her craft,
accentuate her work and give it more
dimension and depth of feeling.  
 She designs much of her art work for
challenges and she co-hosts a great challenge
called DragonDreams Tag It On! 
She is also Senior Designer for
Tellen's Place  Weekly Wednesday challenge! 
She is  a member of the
Smeared and Smudged Blog Group!
Her kinds words,  love of life, and talented skills 
always makes my day brighter!!
Her heart overflows  with care  as
 she reaches out daily to enrich,
inspire, and challenge  others to express
 their love through what they create. 
Seeing her  art work is to experience a feeling,
a need to freely express yourself! 
Her art will speak to you!  It will say,
" Allow  your soul to take flight and soar"!! 

Carol Mae
Carol Mae found my site and
we connected immediately,
finding that we shared many things
in common with one another! 
She loves creating altered art and
she is diligent  as she goes "thrifting" to
 hunt for "golden treasures" of the past.
She has an Etsy shop where she sells
her beautiful art work and lovely antiques,
hoping each "beloved friend" will find
a trusted home! Her warmth and thoughtfulness
 always makes my day seem brighter
because I know she really cares! 
Like me, preservation of the past is very
 important to Carol as she has a large, loving
familyto hand down many beautiful items to
be cherished. Her beautiful art and her  life speaks
directly from her precious heart!  Her vintage
 images with their sweet accents of lace, ribbon,
and thoughtful words, speak voloumes about Carol's
wonderful love for lifeand her bright personality.
Her art  inspires me to reach inside myself to
create images that speak of only one thing...


Marie creates extraodinary
digital altered art and has 2 blog
sites with free vintage images.
One of her sites is completely
dedicated to posting  pictures
and postcards of sweet little kittens!
Marie is a very thoughtful, kind person
who gives much of her free time
to posting her precious collection
vintage images for others to enjoy
and treasure as much as she does!
But... it is her art that is so moving
and inspirational!  She can take one
image, combine it with her creativity and
 imagination, and Voila! It's Magic!!
She uses a combination of exquistie colors
and wonderful details to accentuate her
images and bring them to life!
 Her art is such a huge expression
of who she as an artist, one who
passionately loves the work she creates.
And everything she creates comes
directly from her heart!
Her kind words and gestures always
make me smile and her thoughtfulness
makes my day seem brighter!
 Please go visit this lovely lady's
 beautiful  blog sites today...
expect to be uplifted and
 inspired by what you  see!


Thalia has a heart of gold! 
Her loving gestures and kind words are
a testimony of what a sweet person she
is and how much she really cares for others.
She has a blog site that she has dedicated to
posting free vintage images and psotcards for
other fellow artists to enjoy and she also has
a site for her amazing digital  art work.
I have several pieces of art that she has
 made and given to me !  I treasure each one,
 knowing that even though I may never meet Inger, 
face to face,  I will always have a small
piece of her friendship to cherish! Her kind
heart and extraorindary talent can be seen in
every piece of art that she creates!
 She expresses her passion for her work through
 a mystical world filled with breathtaking images.
 Her art takes you to a  place from
another time, another place, peaceful and
tranquil like a sweet, flowing dream!
 To experience Inger's amazing art world,
 please visit her blog sites to see
 her delightful creations!


Tracy in as one of a kind person! 
She is so kind and compassionate and reaches
out to everyone through her journal on her site.
She posts everyday, always  giving encouragement,
inspiring others, and emotionally supports those
who are feeling down. But her main objetive in her posts
 is to write and praise the one she so happily serves,
 her Savior, Jesus Christ! She hosts Miracle Monday
and each week reminds us that there is still good
in the world and miracles do abound, if we
would only stop long enough to recognize them.
Her strong faith is so contagious! You will be drawn
  to her site to read her words of strength and courage,
as she too, has her days of struggle and frustration.
And here's the best part, no matter what kind of day
she is having, she ALWAYS, exemplifies the character
of Christ in how she deals with her day to day problems. 
 Everyone of us has a cross we have to bear, but it is in how
we bear that cross that shows the world what we are made of. 
Tracy by, wonderful example, carries her cross with ease
because she knows that she stands on solid ground and
will never fail.  Her confidence and security is always
with the Lord as He guides her every step! 
So if you are in need of some strong encouragement
or just want to be inspired , please go by her
site and read her wonderful posts. I promise it will
 makeyour day brighter and will make your burdens light! 
I'm telling you, her humble life and sweet personality is
 very contagious!  You'll want to read her posts everyday!  
 It's a great way to start your morning out right!

Thank you, Paula
for giving me this
wonderful award and the
 chance to send it to
six of my favorite people. 
May God bless  each one of
you in His own special way,
granting you peace and grace
as you go about the duties
of your life!

Much Love, Kymberly


  1. Wow Kymberly, I am truly touched by your sweet sincerity. You are quite a gal, with nothing but good things to say about others. I will visit your other friends blogs, they all sound like beautiful women, like you. Thank you so much! Love, ~Diane

  2. You are most welcome, Kymberly! I look forward to meeting your friends, as they sound just as lovely as creative as you are! Have a fabulous day ... and enjoy the sunshine!

  3. Dear Kymberly...Thank you for your generous and beautiful words ... I have never received so many nice words about me and my art. I will include your wonderful award and make a post on the Thalia-freebies. Thank you for your friendship and kindness!
    Warm hugs from me:)

  4. Oh' My Goodness Dear Sweet Kymberly. You have totally wowed me this morning. I wish I was only as wonderful as you make me sound. You are truly one of the most giving and loving souls I know!!! I think I'm going to have to have you do all my writing about me from now on. hee-hee. I really hope you are as blessed as you make me feel. You are a blessing to every person you meet. Always sharing love, hope and happiness. Thank you for being apart of my life! The Lord really does put people in our paths for a reason. We just have to keep our eyes and heart open so that we don't miss that wonderful opportunity. I'm so grateful he sent me YOU!
    Thank you for honoring me with this precious reward.

    All my love, Tracy :)

  5. Dear Kym, Thanks so much, you always amaze me with your kinds words and thoughts. I have posted the award and will follow through with this, it may take me awhile as words don't come to me easely. Again many thanks and hugs, Carol Mae

  6. Well deserved, and what a lovely tribute to your friends! :-)

    Thanks so much for the visit to my blog and for entering my giveaway! So nice to meet you and to discover your lovely blog in return!

    All the best,

  7. Hi Kym. I just wanted to stop by and see how your doing. I think about you all the time. You're such a sweet soul.

    I haven't been in blogland a whole lot lately, just a minute here and there. I hope to get my sunshine awards out real soon. Hopefully I can make someone feel as blessed as you made me feel.

    Hope all is wonderful in your world.
    Love and Hugs...Tracy :)


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