
Monday, March 1, 2010

March is Women's History Month

This month, I will be posting
an article and free images of
   31 Historical Women
that have changed
the way women live, work, and feel
about the world we live in today!  

These Women will inspire you, touch your heart,
 and motivate you to realize that your dreams
arethe most important part of who you are! 

Their powerful influence on
our lives will forever remain
as a constant reminder of
what we can achieve through our
own devotion to ourselves
:and the influence our
actions  have on others.

All of these women have
one thing in common:
Their motto for success?


Please enjoy the articles and images and
I hope you will be encouraged and uplifted
by the telling of their courageous lives
and their stubborn committment to follow their dreams,
 not just for themselves but for all womankind alike!   

The images will be in public domain
and can be copied for personal use only!!
None of the images can be collected and
stored on a CD for sale or commercial use!

***If I use any of my own art work
along with a post,
 please do not copy it
for your own personal use.


This is an entry of my art work
that I posted for a Soartful Challenge!
Theme: Little Black Dress

Coco Chanel was unique in revolutionizing the
fashion industry with dress reformation
and in providing emanciaption of women!

She was known, worldwide, 
for the little black dress
and the Chanel Suit.
Both items became a
Fashion Hallmark that is still
worn in the fashion world today!

The House of Chanel, the Parisian Fashion House,
is the most chic in Haute Couture  in the world!

Time included her in their prestigious list of
 The Top 100 Influential People of the 20th Century!

Coco Chanel

She has a rags to riches story
but her success is due to her
strong will and determination to see her
love of creating fashion as a force
to change the way  women dressed.
 And in doing so, she would change the way 
 women would think about themselves, 
not as just "a woman", but a human being ,
free to also dream and achieve
 the same success as Coco had achieved!

Coco Chanel had three set backs that 
could have kept her from ever aspiring to
making her dreams become a reality!
 Had she not had the sheer strength
of will and determination,
she would never have had the
 motivation to overcome the obstacles
that had been place before her!

 She grew up poor and had a very deprived chldhood.
When she was only 12 years old,
her Mother died of Tuberculosis and she
was immediately shipped off to an orphanage,
where she was to live until she turned 18. 
She was at that tender age where she
could have drowned  in her sorrow and despair
but instead, she learned to sew from the
Nuns that served the orphange. She became a very
accomplished seamtress, thus paving the way for her
 future success in the fashion business.  
 Instead of wallowing in self pity, 
she took a terrible situation and turned it into
something worthwhile to benefit herself.

A model wearing one of the hats
 designed by Coco Chanel

In 1913, she sat up her first shop in Paris and had a
few very influential women of the Paris Society
buying the hats that she had begun to design.
 Even with the clientel she had buying from her,
sadly,  the shop went out of business
and she had to sell all of her assets
to pay her outstanding bills..
She could have let this set back finish her
career in fashion but once again, she turned a
terrible situation around to her favor! 
She waited until she had more funds and 
when the time was right, she re-opened the shop,
this time to begin designing clothes for women!

Never letting discouragement take
hold of her ambition, she worked so hard that
 by the time WWI began, she had just
opened her third shop and was a significant factor
 in the influence of how women were begining to
view the fashion of their day! 

She was exiled from Paris during WWII
becasue she was accused of being a spy. 
 She left her designing business
and didn't return for 15 years. 

In 1954, she returned to Paris and
designed her best collection to date!
The Chanel Suit became an
instant hit in the fashion world 
and Coco Chanel regained her reputation as the
single most influential woman in the
fashion industry of the 20th century! 

She could have stayed in exile for the rest of her life
but again, her stubborn will to succed and her
ambition to follow her dreams to their success,
 led her back into the fashioin world once again.
She was 71 years old by then and
still very determined to succeed,
no matter the obstacle,  no matter the cost!
She would not allow anything to
  ever stand in her way again!

****Famous Quotes***

--There is only one Chanel

 --In order to be irreplaceable,
one must always be different.

--Elegance does not consist
in putting on a new dress.

--How many cares one loses when one decides
not to be something but to be someone.

--Don't spend time beating on a wall,
hoping to transform it into a door.

--Success is often achieved by those
who don't think that failure is inevitable.

--The most courageous act is
still to think for yourself. Aloud.

If you were born without wings,
do everything you can to grow some.

3 free images :
House of Chanel
Coco Chanel
Model wearing Chanel Hat
courtesy of the


  1. Thanks for this post. I'm really looking forward to this month. As a mom to a teenage daughter, it's always great to be able to point out women in history who've made a mark!

  2. hello kymberly..
    im here again...nice to see ur blog has updated...
    sorry if u dont mind forward ur email addres.. so i can deliver a note to u..

    tks again

    bye and take care


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