
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Today is Angel Day!

Another wonderful person has
found my web site today and I 'm
so glad to have found her too!
Tracy Suzanne
 is a very precious person
with such a beautiful spirit
 and a great love for God! 
She has a Mission
that she wants to share
 with others called
"Miracle Monday"! 

What a great idea! 
Couldn't we all use a
miracle in our lives!
There is so much pain and
suffering in our world today! 
It is good to  reach out and draw
strength and encouragement
from each other when facing days
of distress and discouragement!
 Please, if you get a chance, go to
Tracy's website
and read her lovely posts !
They will inspire you to reach out
and touch someone's heart today that
 might need your loving care!              
  "Big Thank You"
and free clip art goes
out to Tracy today!
I hope you enjoy the
Angels and Spring  Bouquets
that I am sending your way!

    2 Timothy 1:7

For God has not given us a
spirit of fear and timidity,
but of power, love,
and self-discipline.

Luke 1:37
For nothing is impossible with God.

Love is patient, love is kind.

It does not envy,
it does not boast,
 it is not proud.

It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.

 Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails.

 And now these three remain
 faith, hope, and love.
      But the greatest of these is love.

     1 Corinthians 13: 4-8a, 13


I'd also like to send a
"Big Thanks" to Theresa !
Please enjoy this clip art as
a special gift from me to you!

Theresa is another nice person that
has found me and guess what?

She generously offers
free clip art and
 lovely vintage images  
on her blog site! 
Trust me, it is a real treat to
go have a visit with her!
She can be found here:

Have a wonderful evening!   


  1. Oh My Goodness. Dear, Dear Kymberly, how you have blessed me beyond measure. I am overwhelmed with all the sweet loving things you've said about me.

    God does bring people together. And I am just amazed at how he works. I've been so involved with walking closer to the Lord these days and he has blessed me more than I could have expected. So much anguish is gone and peace is taking it's place. The Lord has placed the most wonderful people in my path. Kymberly is more proof that God reaches out and speaks to us when we pray. God used her to touch my heart and touch it she has.
    Thank you Sweetie. Hugs and love....Tracy :)

  2. Oh' I hope I didn't loose the comment I posted. If it's still there please ignore this instead.

    Hugs...Tracy :)

  3. Thank you Kym; that is so sweet of you to mention me and offer yet more fantastic images! I am glad I found you too; I love your blog and really appreciate the images. They're all good and are giving me more ideas than I have time to do something with LOL! Thanks again; I'm a follower of you as well now!

  4. Hi Kymberly. Thanks for the nice and warm comments on my blog! It's give me lot of energy to work on with my art!!! I have a special gifts to my followers on Thalias-freebies today, if you like the peace of art I posted there!
    Have a nice and creative day!
    Thanks again!
    Inger Bente

  5. What a beautiful and giving blog you have here. Its so precious and i am just going to add myself to follow. thanks for brightening my day xxxxx

  6. Thank you, Kymberly, so much for your lovely comment in my blog. You made me happy!

    I am also happy that you commented, because that's how I found you now! Your blog looks beautiful as your writings. I am going to read more and absolutely visit again.

    I just sent you email, I hope you got it!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  7. I've enjoyed my visit to your lovely blog--and thank you for visiting mine! Smiles, Jann PS--I will be back, soon!

  8. Wow, love your blog, so pretty.....Talk about a feast for the eyes and tons of goodies to look at!
    Going to look at more :)
    Have a great week!!
    xo Tiffany


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