
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Month Of Blessings

 I have been blessed and have so much in my life to be thankful for!

     During this month of Thanksgiving, I want to share all of the  wonderful blessings that God has so richly bestowed  in my life!   I am going to create  my life blessings in altered art pieces to celebrate what God has given me  and to inspire others to create their own altered art life blessings to show what they are most thankful for! If you create any altered art pieces that celebrate your blessings, please feel free to share them with me and I will proudly post your art work  on my web site.

My Life  Blessings Art for today shows my most blessed gift from God, my children.  I thank God every day that they are healthy because He has blessed them with a wonderful vitality for life, strong, loving hearts and compassionate souls!! They truly are my whole life,  my world. and my heart, all wrapped up in one huge blessing!!!

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What are you most thankful for?
What wonderful blessing have you received from God?

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